
Upartato Dekha Gela

Composed on Apr. 12th, 1976


Upartato dekha gela
    Kebal shudhu kolahal
Dub diye chal dekhi niche
    Kato khani gabhir jal
Jibantato dekha gela
    Shudhu kebal phanki
Maranta chal dekhini bhai
    Ota kena thakbe baki


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

I have been upstairs.
There is nothing but confusion-din.
Let us dive deep within
And see what we can discover
In Reality’s Consciousness-water.    Life, we have tasted.
It is nothing but deception-destruction.
Let us now enter into the world of death
And observe what it is.
Why should death remain unnoticed
    And undiscovered?

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