
Swalpe Tushta Brihate Shanka

Composed on Feb. 18th, 1973


Swalpe tushta brihate shanka
Khudra gandi manaba danka
Nitya atma prachare mukhara
Tikta kariche karna kulhara
Sapta sindhu tapta mathita
Pratiti jibana klanta byathita
Tushti pushti swapne tripta
Dwandaha bishade srishti lipta
Mauni mukta tapasa siddha
Sarba oishi bivuthi hriddha
Purna indu asim dipti
Dibya jagye labuk tripti


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

Satisfied with a little,
Afraid of the vast,
Narrow are the confines
Of man’s boasting and vainglory.
Always preaching,
Always boasting and bragging,
Turning the ear deaf.
Seven inner seas are now wild and churning;
Each life is tired and sad.
Satisfaction and fulfilment only a dream.
The entire world is filled with suffering and conflict.
The silent, the liberated and the realised
Are rich in their heavenly treasure.
Let man’s inner moon of infinite Light
Get total satisfaction in the sacrifice divine.

Song in:

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