
Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda

Chants in Bengali dialect

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Je Soy Se Loy Jena Soy Senas Soy 1 S
Ishwar Nara Lila Karen Jeman Sri Krishna 2 S T
Amita Jabar Noy Pabe Tak Shala Das Ami 3 S T
Ishwar Ke Dekha Jai Tar Sange Katha 4 S T
Jara Antar Anga Tara Kebal Ekhani Asbe 5 T
Amar Jara Apanar Lobh Tader Bhakleo 6 T
Tui Jakhan Amar Katha Shunte Chashna 7 T
Narendra Age Maner 8 T
Laja Ghrina Bhoi 9 T
Gita Gita Tyagi Tyagi Tyagi Tyagi Gita Gita 10
Juto Para Takle Kanta 11 T
Bishwas Karo Nirbhar Karo Tahare Nijer 12 T
Ma Ei Lo Tomar Dharma Ei Lo 13 T
Ami Jantra Tini Jantri Tini Jeman Karan 14 T
Shudhu Parle Shunte Ki Habe Keu 15 T
Chinmoy Shyam Chinmoy Dham 16 T
Vedanta Janina Ma 17 T
Nara Lilai Avatar Ke Thik Manusher Mata 18 T
Tini Bhakter Bhalobasar 19 T
Jinni Pap Haran Karan Tini Hari Hari 20 T
Ma Shudhu Antare Noi Antare Bahire Kali 21 T
Tumra Amar Paye Hath Rekhe Namaskar 22 T
Pujar Che Jap Bharo Japer Che Dhyan 23 T
Ore Tora Ke Kothai Ashish Ai 24 T
Ki Ashto Go Ami Mulka 25 T
Ami Bali Tin Tan Hale Bhagaban Ke 26 T
Je Ram Se Krishna Se Idaning 27 T
Dub Dub Dub Rup Sagare Amar Man 28
Jader Hari Balte Nayan Jahare Tara Tara 29 S
Bhabcho Ki Man Ekla Base Anurag Bine 30
Katha Balta Dharai Na Bal Leo Dharai 31
Majlo Amar Man Brahmara Shyama Pada 32
Khandana Bhaba Bandana Jaga 33
Let Me Help My Fellow Men 34 S
Arise, Awake! 35 S
Love Never Fails 36 S
Pita Vishwanath Mata Bhubaneshwari 37 S
Him I Call a Mahatman 38 S
India Will Be Raised 39 S
What We Need Today 40 S
Education Is the Manifestation 41 S
If God Comes in the Form of a Dove 42 S
Don’t Bother Your Head 43 S
This Life Is Short 44 S
Go Where People Hate You 45 S
Vivekananda 46 S
Narendranath Vivekananda Joy Joy Taba 47 S
Kalir Chele Thakur Paran Mata Pitar Bile 48 S
Bhitare Udasi Bahire Udasi Sanyasi Bir 49 S
Short You Lived 50 S
Mata Sarada.. Mago Karuna Ankhi Ashish 51
Janani Sarada Karuna Asima Vivekananda 52
Joy.. Vivekananda Joy Hok Taba Joy 53 S
Vivekananda Hiyar Keshari 54 S
Chicago 55 S
Sarada Devi Sarada Devi Sarada Dayamoyi 56
Can Religion Really Accomplish Anything? 57
Naren Tumi Janma Nite Dharate Bishwe Taba 58
Hindus Accept Every Religion 59
I Look Behind and After 60
The Mother’s Heart,The Hero’s Will 61
My Play Is Done 62
Dancing Mad with Joy 63
Who Knows How Mother Plays 64
Behold, It Comes in Might 65
Change Not Thy Nature 66
In Whom Is Neither Past Life 67
Thou Nearer unto Me 68
Thou Dream, O Blessed Dream 69
Thou Art 70
No One to Blame 71
In Days of Yore 72
Speed Forth, O Soul 73
One Circle More 74
Hold On Yet a While, Brave Heart 75
The Song of the Sannyasin 76
Awake, Arise, and Dream No More! 77
To The Fourth of July — Move On 78 S
Man Alone Is Blest 79
Sthapakaya Cha Dharmasya Sarbadharma 80
Naradeva Deva Jaya Jaya Naradeva 81
Brahma Hate Kit Paramanu Sarba Bhute 82
Ami Adi Kabi Mama Shakti Bikash Rachana 83
Gai Git Shunate Tomai Bhalo Manda Nahi 84
Before the Sun 85
Nil Akashe Bhase Meghakul Shweta 86
Thy Knowledge, Man 87
I Do Not Bid You Understand 88
Tathaia Tathaia Nache Bhola Byam Baba 89
Nahi Surjya Nahi Jyoti Nahi Shasanka Sundara 90

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