
Sabar Majhe Prabhu

Composed on Dec. 30th, 1974


Sabar majhe prabhu tomar tomar pete dekha
Jatri ami ratri sheshe jachchi chole eka
Photar age jhare je phul sathi amar
Shesab mukul
Nahi jani amar bhale ki je achhe lekha
Nahoi ami nai dekhibo tomar pada rekha
Jhara phuler motoi ami jharbo sheshe ekha
Tate amar ki ase jai balo tomar paye
Nitya pranipat


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

O Lord, to see You in the heart of everyone,
I the traveller am alone
Walking along the road of Eternity.
The flowers that drop
Before they are blossomed
Have become my friends.
I know not what is written on my forehead.
No matter if my life ends
Like a flower before it is blossomed
Or my life ends before I have seen Your Feet,
I know I shall always bow to You.

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