
Pranam Pradhan Mantri Desai

Composed on Sep. 22nd, 1977


Pranam pradhan mantri Desai
Bharata basir paraner bhai
Satya pujari shanti adhar
Bharata tarir he karnadhar
Pranam pradhan mantri Desai
Bharata basir paraner bhai
Chaliche bharat druta ati druta
Purna haibe manoratha puta
Shuna taba joy chira nirbhoi
Tyagi bhaskar anandamoy


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

Salutation, Prime Minister Desai!
You are the Brother of Indian hearts.
O worshipper of Truth,
O embodiment of Peace,
You are the Pilot Supreme of Indian Boat.
Your Bharat is running fast, very fast.
Your hallowed longing
Shall ere long be fulfilled.
Hearken your victory,
O eternally dauntless one,
O manifestation-sun of infinite Delight!

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