
Prabhu Tumi Acho Tai Achi

Composed on Apr. 27th, 1976


Prabhu tumi acho tai achi
Jato pai tato jachi
Tumi ar ami majhe keha nai
Kono badha nai kono badha nai
Hriday tomare paina janite
Hridaye rayecho gopane
Hatash ashai khunjibona ami
Ashru nayan gahane


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

Lord, You exist;
Therefore, I exist.
The more You give me,
The more I expect from You.
Between You and me
Nothing exists, nobody exists.
There is no obstruction.
Yet my heart has not realised You.
It wants to hide from You.
With a broken heart I shall not try
To realise You
Inside the depths of my tears.

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