
Paran Bhariya Dakini Ma Kali

Composed on Apr. 20th, 1976


Paran bhariya dakini ma Kali
Dekechhi kebali mukhe
Taito tomare paini parane
Phirechhi shunya buke
Nai taba dabi nai kona asha
Nahi chaha tumi sulalita bhasha
Chaha shudhu thaki sukhe
Sahanti je hai niyechhe bidai
Kandi sada ami dukhe


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

Mother Kali, I have not invoked You
With my heart’s aspiring eagerness.
I have paid You only lip-service.
Therefore, I have failed to see You in my heart,
Which is all empty in Your absence.
You do not expect anything from me;
You make no demands whatsoever.
You do not want from my life the soulful message.
You want only one thing from me:
‘Happiness within and happiness without.’Alas, where is peace, where is peace?
Peace has left my abode and has made
     its abode elsewhere.
Here the life of sorrow and I
     now become inseparably one.

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