
Ogo Amar Pather Sathi (1)

Composed on Apr. 12th, 1976


Ogo amar pather sathi
Chile tumi kon bimane
Kato katha kato giti
Balcho amar kane kane
Chilam ami sangopane
Na jani ki bhebe mane
Ele ure amar pane
Ei bijane gahan bane
Amar ghare bandhle basa
Mithe geche sakal asha
Keu amai ar nahi tane


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

O my Friend, You and I walked
Along Eternity’s Road.
We sang together endless songs.
Today again, we are together.
This time You are singing Your Silence-Songs.
Do stay in my heart-room.
In You is my life’s only fulfilment.

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