
Nimeshe Nimeshe Tomare Diyechho (2)

Composed on Jul. 10th, 1998


Nimeshe nimeshe tomare diyechho
Amare tushite Madhyamda
Tomar jiban rekhechhile tumi
Amar khusite Madhyamda
Amar lagiya ashesh aghat
Phulla chitte niyechho Madhyamda
Amar bijoy paramer joy
Ei katha tumi jenechho Madhyamda
Madal Madal Madal Madal animesh dhyan Madhyamda
Bhitare bahire charidhare shudhu mama jaya gan madhyamda
Tomar dithite ami kabi rishi jogiabatar Madal Madhyamda
Esechhi dharai rupantarite agyanatar badal Madhyamda

[Dedicated by Sri Chinmoy to his elder brother Chitta]


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

At each hush-gap you have given me
Your earth-existence to satisfy me
My brother superior.
Inside my happiness you placed your entire life
My brother superior.
Ruthless blows in infinite measure
For me with a cheerful heart you have endured
My brother superior.

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