
Na Jani Hai Kiser Lagi Rayechi Ei Bhabe

Composed on Nov. 22nd, 1975


Na jani hai kiser lagi rayechi ei bhabe
Amar prane shoker chhaya ar katokal rabe
Jogomaya mago amar kon sudure hai
Keman kare phirbo mayer hriday anginai
Tibra aghat trishuldhari prane amar hani
Kon ajanai niye gela tomai nahi jani
Ami tomar sonar jadu tomar ankhi mani
Jogomaya joga bale shunao tomar dhwani


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

I do not know why I am still here on earth.
Am I not suffering an excruciating pang
From the loss of my mother?
O my mother, Yogamaya!
O my physical mother, where are you?
I know not how I can return to you
Or how you can return to me.
I know Lord Shiva has taken you away
Into the world of the Unknown.
I was your dearest, I was your fondest child.
If you cannot come and appear before me,
For me to see you with my physical eyes,
Then do open my inner eye
And make me see your ecstasy’s song and dance,Which you do in the inner world.

Song in:

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