
Miscellaneous Songs 2002

Mostly English songs

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Ashutosh... Khama Karo Khama Karo Mama 1
Bismallah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim 3
Allah the Almighty (2) 4
Ibrahim, the Prophet of God (2) 5
O, Lead Me from Untruth to Truth 6
Ekti Kusum Daogo Prabhu Ekti Kusum Dao 7
Mabhoi Mabhoi Mabhoi Mabhoi Mabhoi 8 T
Fear Not 9
Shrinvantu Vishwe Amritasya Putra Aed Hama 10
Ami Bhera Ami Bhera 11 T
O Sacred Mother Cow 13
One Thousand Sweet, Pure Lambs 14
Parkwood Jersey 15

wiki/miscellaneous-songs-2002/miscellaneous-songs-2002.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/06 09:39 by