Miscellaneous Songs 2000
Miscellaneous songs from 2000
Song | # | Score | Transl. | Audio | CKG Singing |
Cheye Achi Dibarati Tomar Pato Pane Khama |
1 |
My Heart Loves My Master’s Every Deed |
2 |
Sanga Halo Chaowar Paowar Gan Taito Hiyai |
3 |
No More Ignorance-Sleep (1) |
4 |
Diner Sheshe Rater Deshe Nirabata Dake Sethai |
5 |
I Keep My Heart and Life Immaculate |
6 |
Tomar Pane Nahi Thakai Baroi Ami Mane |
7 |
Alas, O My Illumination-Mind |
8 |
S |
A |
Bishwa Mayer Charan Tale Pelam Aji Thai |
9 |
I Have Surprised God |
10 |
Prati Pale Pale Rakhibo Amare Tomar Charan |
11 |
My Lord Supreme Only Injects |
12 |
Dak Eseche Dak Eseche Rajar Rajar Dak |
13 |
Doubt Is in the Mind |
14 |
Tomar Khama Peyechi Bale Halem Ami Mukta |
15 |
My Master’s Sadness-Eye |
16 |
Amar Bhubane Tumi Shudhu Nath Tomar |
17 |
S |
A |
Heaven Is Heaven’s Sweet Song |
18 |
Dibarati Chale Amra Chitta Amar Kothai Tumi |
19 |
May My Hope-Life Never Die |
20 |
My Mind-Jungle, My Heart-Garden |
21 |
The Green Light |
22 |
Aaron: Lofty Mountain |
23 |
Adam, the First of Earth |
24 |
Adrian, Adrian: Brave! |
25 |
Alan, Alan—Harmony |
26 |
Alvin, Alvin — White |
27 |
Albert, Albert — Illustrious |
28 |
Alexander: Helper of Mankind |
29 |
Ambrose, Ambrose — Immortal |
30 |
Angelo, Angelo — God’s Messenger |
31 |
Anselmo, Anselmo — Divine Helmet |
32 |
Anthony, Anthony — Priceless |
33 |
wiki/miscellaneous-songs-2000/miscellaneous-songs-2000.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/06 09:39 by