
Matri Mantre Dikkhita Mora Chira

Composed on Apr. 12th, 1976


Matri mantre dikkhita mora
    Chira unnata shir
Mrittyur bhoi kariyachi joy
    Amara mukti bir
Kari padhaghat bhitir mathai
Bhari dhara mar bijoy gathai
Jethai janani bigna kothai
Ar deri not bela bahe jai


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

We are initiated by the Mother-power.
Our heads are eternally high.
The fear of death we all have conquered.
We are the liberation-warriors
To fulfil illumining longings of the
    Mother Earth.
We strike hard at the root of fear.
We sing the supreme glory of Mother Earth.
There can be no obstacle where Mother is.
We can brook no more delay.
Swiftly the time is passing by.

Song in:

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