
Ma Tor Ruper Aloi (1)

Composed on Aug. 26th, 1975


Ma tor ruper aloi
Chokh dhendheche
Taito dekhi kalo
Tui je amar praner pran
Tui je amar alo
Maner kali praner kali
Charane tor jatoi dhali
Tatoi ma tor adar bere jai
Sakal kali dhuye dite
Apan kare amai nite
Shyama amar ai ai ai


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

Mother, Your Beauty divine has blinded me.
Therefore, I see darkness all around.
You are the life of my heart,
You are the Light supreme.
The darkness of my vital and my mind,
The more I offer it to You,
The more Affection, Love and Compassion
You shower on me.
My Mother Kali, I beckon You.
I shall offer You all my darkness
And You will replace it with infinite Light.

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