
Kena Eto Kripa Bidhata Amai

Composed on Apr. 27th, 1976


Kena eto kripa bidhata amai
Kabe deha pran sanpibo tomai
Daya kari kache ele katobar
Tabu je bandha hriday duar
Kena bhalobaso na jani amai
Chira aparadhi ami taba pai


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

I do not know why so much Compassion-Light
You bestow upon me.
I do not know when I shall offer You
My body, vital and mind.
Many a time You have come to me
With Affection-Blessing,
Yet my heart's door is closed.
I do not know why You love me.
I know I am the eternal culprit
At Your Forgiveness-Feet.

Song in:

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