
Hasbo Shudhu Hriday Bane Hasbo

Composed on Feb. 18th, 1973


Hasbo shudhu hriday bane hasbo
Sabar prane basbo bhalo basbo
Mukti hate janma moder
Shanti se je sathi maner
Amara mayer lilar banshi
Nitya chali timir nashi
Purnatare pritir dore bandhbo
Hasbo shudhu hriday bane hasbo


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

In the forest of our hearts
We shall only smile and smile.
We shall love every heart; we shall love.
From liberation we were born;
Peace is the companion of our mind.
We are the flutes
Of the Mother’s Cosmic Game.
We march on,
Always chasing away darkness.
We shall bind Infinity
With the cord of our love divine.
In the forest of our hearts
We shall only smile and smile.

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