
Eka Bingsha Shatabdi

Composed on Mar. 30th, 1999


Eka bingsha shatabdi eka bingsha shatabdi
Eka bingsha shatabdi eka bingsha
Dhwangsha karibe agyanatar timir prachir dhwangsha
Nutan alor mridul parashe bhangibe abani supti
Dyuloke bhuloke biraj karibe asim amar tripti


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

Twenty-first Century, Twenty-first Century,
  Twenty-first Century!You will utterly destroy the darkness-wall
  Of ignorance-night.
The delicate softness-touch of your new light
Shall awaken the slumbering world.
Your Infinity’s immortal Satisfaction
Heaven and earth shall together treasure and enjoy.

Song in:

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