
Dipti Nivas

Sri Chinmoy performing:

My unfailing harpischord-friend 3


Dipti nivas Dipti nivas Dipti nivas
Bidhatar jaya sudha ullas
Atma tyager bahni udash
Bishwa prabhur prema bishwas


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

O Abode of the Light Supreme,
You are the nectar-ecstasy
Of the Supreme’s Victory divine.
O Abode of the Light Supreme,
You are the blazing, illumining
And all-loving fire of self-sacrifice.
In you is the love-fulfilling
   and life-fulfilled faith
Of the Absolute Supreme.

Song in:

wiki/dipti-nivas/dipti-nivas.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/06 09:39 by