Dhara Jadi Tumi Nahi Dite Chao (2)
Composed on Nov. 22nd, 1975
Dhara jadi tumi nahi dite chao
Ei dharanir buke
Britha kena ar kataiba din
Marmo piran dukhe
Dhan man jash gyaner garima
Kamya kichui nai
Shudhu abhilash sri charane jena
Pai ekbar thai
Sri Chinmoy's Translation:
If You do not want to be caught in this world,
Then why do I have to stay in
excruciating pangs,
And waste my time on earth?
I do not want name, fame, wealth, knowledge.
No, no, I do not want anything.
I desire nothing.
There is only one aspiration burning in my heart
And that is to be always at Your Feet.
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