
Dekha Dao More Dekha Dao Arbar

Composed on Dec. 17th, 1972


Dekha dao more dekha dao arbar
Chaudike mor timir ashrudhar
Dekha dao more dekha dao arbar
E hiya ebar samarpaner har
Dekha dao more dekha dao arbar
Prashanta habe ghor pran durbar
Dekha dao more dekha dao arbar
Pujite tomai dao more adhikar


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

Once more do come and appear before me.
Around me is all darkness and the flow of tears.
Once more do come and appear before me.
This heart of mine is now  the garland of surrender.
Once more do come and appear before me.
This restless, wild, indomitable, dark, vital breath
     of mine will be silent.
Once more do come and appear before me.
Do give me the right to worship You, You alone.

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