
Debata Esechhe Ruddha Hiyar Dware

Composed on Apr. 12th, 1976


Debata esechhe ruddha hiyar dware
Ore unmad kemane tushibi tare
Chira dukha hara
Jeche dila dhara
Amar desher param atithi
Asiyachhe tor dware


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

Your heart-door has been kept shut for aeons;
Therefore, you see not
Your Beloved Supreme at your heart’s door.
O fool, when will you stop playing the role of
Self-styled madness?
When will you try to
Please the Absolute Supreme
In His own Way?
He who transforms all sufferings
Into ecstasy’s flood
Is all alone at your door.
He wants to be taught by you alone.
Neglect Him not.
He is your soul-world’s Eternity-rest.
Behold! There He is
At your heart’s closed door.

Song in:

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