
Chalo Jai Chalo Jai Chalo Jai

Composed on Dec. 17th, 1972


Chalo jai chalo jai chalo jai
Hetha nai hetha nai hetha nai
Asha hasi aradhana prema sudha
Aloker asimer puta khudha
Chalo jai chalo jai chalo jai
Hetha nai hetha nai hetha nai
Amader bidhatar tari banshi
Achhe shudhu bhul giri rashi rashi
Nahi pabo hetha kabhu jaha chai


Sri Chinmoy's Translation:

Let us go.
Here there is no hope, there is no smile,
     no adoration,
No divine love, no nectar, no hallowed
     hunger for the Light of the Infinite.
Let us go, let us go.
Here there is no boat, no flute of our
     Supreme Lord.
Here there is only a chain of falsehood
Whatever you want, you shall never get it here.
Let us go, let us go.

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