Arame Jar Jiban Kate Chinlana Se Jibanke
Composed on May. 12th, 1976
Arame jar jiban kate chinlana se jibanke
Byatha peye je pare se dhare tomar charanke
Adar diye maro jare janbe kena maranke
Tile tile ghum ghore sejan palanke
Tomai je jan bhalobase marena se atanke
Hasi mukhe dhare thake ma tomar charanke
Sri Chinmoy's Translation:
He who lives a life of comfort
Knows not what the true life is.
He who suffers knows what life is
And it is he who captures Your Feet of Compassion.
He who gets boundless Affection
And Love from You
May exploit You at any moment
And his life of aspiration-flame
May totally terminate.
He who truly loves You unconditionally
Will never die.
His is the life
That will be divinised and transformed,
And fulfilled forever.
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