
Amare Karogo Tomar Apan

62 Bengali/English song pairs from January 1999, published on 1999-08-01

Song#ScoreTransl.AudioCKG Singing
Amare Karogo Tomar Apan 1 S T
O, Make Me Your Own 2 S
Tomar Swapan Amar Jiban 3 S T
My Life Is Your Dream 4 S
Tomar Charane Amar Maran 5 S T
My Death Is at Your Feet 6 S
Jeyona Bhuliya Mukti Amare Dite 7 S T
Forget Not to Give Me Liberation 8 S
Taba Sudha Nam Jape Jena 9 S T
May My Heart Repeat 10 S
Jao Dure Chale Ahamika Ghor 11 S T
Go Away 12 S
Satar Kati Satar Kati 13 S T
I Swim and Swim 14 S
Asimer Khudha Dao Go Amare 15 S T A
Give Me Infinity’s Hunger 16 S
Chahi Kebal Tomar Sebai 17 S T
I Long to Spend My Life 18 S
Amar Ananda Dheu 19 S T
Your Forgiveness Is My Ecstasy-Wave 20 S
Taba Khama Chite 21 S T
This World 22 S
Shanti Gabhire Banchite Chahigo 23 S T
In the Depths of Peace 24 S A
Asha Nadi Tumi Amar 25 S T A
Hope-River 26 S
Spriha Shikha Jago 27 S T
Aspiration-Flame 28 S A
Puta Usha Dake Amai 29 S T
Purity-Dawn Is Beckoning Me 30 S
Tripti Chahina Dipti Chahi 31 S T
Satisfaction I Want Not 32 S
Usha Debi Elo 33 S T
The Goddess Dawn Has Come 34 S
Usha Deva Bala Eseche Ajike 35 S T
The Daughter-Goddess Dawn Has Come 36 S
Gopane Ese Hridaye 37 S T
Secretly 38 S
Sanjher Tara Sanjher Tara 39 S T
O Evening Star, O Evening-Star 40 S
Eso Eso Ogo Majhi 41 S T
O My Boatman 42 S
Deba Muhurta Eso 43 S T
O God-Moment, Come 44 S
Ashru Sagare Dube Jao Tumi 45 S T
You Dive into the Sea of Sorrows 46 S
Ganer Deshe Hese Hese 47 S T
Smiling, I Sing And Sing 48 S
Pujite Tomai Diyecho Khamata 49 S T
You Have Given Me the Capacity 50 S
Tomar Asim Khamar Bale 51 S T
My Life Is Still Alive 52 S
Nayan Mudile Dekha Dao More 53 S T
When I Close My Eyes 54 S
Baroi Madhur Kalpana 55 S T
Sweet, Very Sweet 56 S
Balo Balo Amai Bhalobaso Ki (1) 57 S T A
Tell Me, My Lord 58 S
Balo Balo Amai Bhalobaso Ki (2) 59 S T A
Tell Me, Tell Me, My Lord Father Supreme 60 S
Jago Jago Rabi Shashi 61 S T
Awake, Awake, O Sun, O Moon 62 S A

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